An Inspired Post
So, I’ve been thinking, and I’ve come up with a subject for this blog post!
How ironic, right? I’ve been struggling with being uninspired recently, and then I get inspired for a blog post about inspiration!
But anyway, I really do want to talk about inspiration.
Every single one of you has experienced some kind of block, creative or otherwise. We’ve stared at the page, waiting for the words to come. We’ve angrily pounded our computer keyboard. We lie awake at night and wonder where the idea we need so badly will come from.
Trust me, I have experienced it as well. Mostly in the form of, ‘what’s going to happen to my book?’ But there are answers, I promise.
Inspiration is so often unexpected. For example, I was walking across a field a few days ago, trying not to crush the pretty amethyst flowers that grow there, when I was suddenly hit with an idea for a scene in my book. One thing snowballed into another, and now I’m trying to keep all my ideas from exploding out of my ears. I’ve figured out exactly where my novel’s going to go now, and I have new motivation.
“But Grace! It doesn’t work like that for me!” It may not. But I’ve gotten inspiration from almost everything. You need to open your mind. I’m not trying to sound like some mystical guru, but it’s the truth. And it’s as simple as reading your favorite books, listening to soundtracks from your favorite movie, or having a picnic on a beautiful spring day.
There really is inspiration everywhere. And if you’re not finding it for your current project, then step away from the project. Set it aside and work on something else. Or just don’t work on anything for a few days, or a week, or a month, or however long you need. Then come back, look at it with fresh eyes from start to finish, and see what happens.
I hope this helps somebody. If it does help you, I’m so happy. If you know someone experiencing a block, then show this to them. It may help. It may not. But somebody out there might need this, and if that someone is you, then I pray that you find what you need.
God Bless! And stay away from the Coronavirus!
Minimalist Skincare: I haven’t really been doing this one…
One Year Fanfiction Prompt: I still need to outline, which I haven’t, but I’ve found some inspiration!
Reading Bingo/March TBR:
- Climbing the Stairs by Padma Venkatraman
- Finished False Awakening by Arianna Fox
- Ghosts of Greenglass House by Kate Milford
- Just started The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
- Going to begin reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
- So, you know how I was debating what graphic novel to read? Well, I was at the library and I found one! Estranged by Ethan M. Aldridge
- Watership Down by Richard Addams
- ‘Letters’ by C.S. Lewis
March 18, 2020
Watership down! It’s great! You won’t be disappointed. If you really like it, theres a show about it on netflix.
High Grace Farm Team
March 18, 2020
Well, now I’m really excited! I’ll have to check out the show.
March 18, 2020
I just love your writing!!!
High Grace Farm Team
March 20, 2020
Thank you!