The Hunger Games Movie Review

Hi guys! I know that I haven’t posted in soooo long, and I really am trying to get better! BUT since most of you know that May is test season, I’ve had to drop everything to focus on that.


Credit: Bing Images. Also there’s a copyright thingy in the corner

Recently, Sister and I watched the Hunger Games movies with friends, and I decided to do a review! Enjoy!

There will be spoilers for the first Hunger Games movie and book!


Name: The Hunger Games
Release date: March 23, 2012
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson
Genre: Dystopian

Ok, let’s get into it! First I’m just going to get the boring questions out of the way before we get to the FUN ones!

First question: what do you think you learned from the movie?

I learned that people are capable of horrible things, but not everybody has to give in. Both the Gamemakers and the tributes did horrible things to other people, but some like Peeta and Katniss were courageous and strong enough not to stoop to that level.

Did you agree or disagree with the message of the movie (things like this could happen unless we shape another way of living)?

Yes and no. I believe the message is true and simple, but it is impossible in the fallen world that we live in. Just today Dad, Sister, and I were talking about a young woman who fled from North Korea and the terrible things she had to do to survive. People are all evil, and we cannot make the idealistic society that dystopian literature tends to boast as their end goal.

What were you thinking as you finished watching this film?

I thought I had to finish the book and that it was kind of violent.

What type of person would you recommend this movie to?

People who aren’t as squeamish as I am, who can stand the idea of watching this and not fearing for the future, and who have read and enjoyed the books.

If you were writing the script for the movie, would you change the ending?

I think the ending was good. I didn’t want to have the scene with Seneca eating the berries–although it explains things for the next movie–because I feel like it was not a positive note. I always think movies should end on an at least semi-positive note. Maybe it could’ve ended without the emphasis on the bad stuff building?

Now it’s time for the FUN questions! What part of the movie did you like best?

I think my favorite part was the ‘girl on fire’ scene, and just the whole scene with the interview of the tributes. It was really interesting to see their characters compared, and I really loved the costume design in the movie!

What did you like least?

Oof! Hard question. Maybe the scene with the dogs? It was pretty late when we were watching that and I was freaked out. Sister and I did not really sleep that night.

Who was your favorite character?

Rue! Rue is so adorable, and I love her! I was so sad when she died, even though I’d read that part of the book and knew what was coming.

Who was your least favorite character?

This is going to sound weird, but it’s Katniss. She is the embodiment of the typical YA protagonist, and although she’s a lot better in the movies, she still kind of annoys me. When we get into the later movies, she REALLY ticks me off.

If I could ask one character in the movie a question, what would it be and who?

I’d ask Gale if he’d marry me.

*cough cough*

I mean, I’d probably ask Effie to do my makeup. I don’t wear makeup, but hers is so outrageously hilarious I’d LOVE to try it and take a picture.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you like this format. Actually, just let me know if anyone reads this. I won’t have a post up this Monday, but I hope to have a fanfic post up after that. Be blessed!


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