The 7777 Writing Tag
Do you what both terrorizes and excites writers?
Sharing their work.
Sometimes writers have stories that simultaneously humiliate and inspire them hidden under a blanket and guarded by a baby dragon. Sometimes, writers boiling over with inspiration and excitement just can’t wait to share their stories with the world.
For my current story, I fall into the latter category.
I will do another Story Dig post next week but today, we’re going to look at my current work in progress. No title (yet), but it’s a fantasy novel that I’ve had kicking around in my mind for a while
The Dark Lord Clementine Review
Hey guys! Hopefully you’re getting this on Monday. I have sadly neglected all of you, and I am so sorry. I’ll hopefully have another Story Dig post next week, but today is a book review for The Dark Lord Clementine by Sarah Jean Horwitz.
For this book review, I’m not doing spoilers, so those of you who want to know what you’re getting into can read it all!
NaNoWriMo 2020: A Writerly Chat
Hello everyone, and happy Thanksgiving week! November is almost over, but we still have this week and next for the NaNoWriMo 2020 series. This week, we’ll have Sister on to talk about her NaNo project, and we’ll compare notes.
Mood GIF:
Storytime: Dreams (Illustrated!)
Hey everyone! As I mentioned last post, I’ll be doing a series (with three parts) about my current WIPs. Last week I talked about my debut novel (which I really should work on), and today I’ll be talking about another novel I got inspiration for from a dream. Working title: Dreams.
NaNoWriMo Art Showcase
How’s everyone doing? Are you all OK? I know our world is currently upside down, but this too shall pass. In the meantime, I have an interesting (I think it’s interesting, anyway) blog post for you. Remember the NaNoWriMo novel that I told you about last week? Well, I’m 34% percent of the way to my goal, and I have decided to share some of the art that my best friend, who asked me to let her be known only as S.P., has done. She will be illustrating my book. And no, it’s not a manga or a picture book. I just wanted a few illustrations to help readers. So here we go!
Camp NaNoWriMo!
Good evening everyone! I hope we are all staying safe during this time of craziness. I know it seems never ending, but it will end. So just keep washing your hands. Also, happy April Fool’s!
But this month, for writers, can be about something other than pranks. It’s Camp NaNoWriMo! Some of you may remember I wrote this post abouNaNoWriMo. But wile NaNoWriMo is a program to write a 50,000 word first draft of your novel, in Camp NaNo you can set whatever word count goal you want, for whatever project you want–be it poetry, a script, etc.
Remember last year’s project? Well, this year, my project is to rewrite it. After researching my source material (the book of Revelation in the Bible), I realized my story was very off-track from where it needed to be, and that some parts were unrealistic. For example, when my main characters travelled to the other world, there was no language border. Everybody spoke English. But this changes in my novel.
Character Interviews and More!
What’s up everybody! I didn’t blog yesterday, because I was utterly drained, but of course today, I had to be doing some reading and inspiration had to strike. It couldn’t even be two days early? Sigh whatever. At least it struck, right?
And yes, I know this was supposed to be an art post! I’M SO SORRY! I’m not promising anything anymore, but my reason is…I ran out of paper. So there. How boring. But back to the post.