A Writerly Chat: Tropes
Today in A Writerly Chat, we shall be addressing (one of) the bane(s) of a writer’s existence…the Terrible Trope. Fantasy is a terribly trope-y genre, and those authors who attempt to write fantasy may find themselves at a tangible wall of terrible tropes (can you tell I’m having fun with this?).
In fact, Sister has given her book the working title of ‘How to Write Clichés.’ *grimaces* Let’s talk to her and see what she means by this! As usual, her replies will be in bold and mine in italics.
A Writerly Chat: Ronan
Good day, all! I hope you’re doing well, especially now that school has started. BLEH!
Today we’re continuing with the series we began in a recent post, where I interview Sister about her book. I’ll be asking her questions, which will be in italics, and her answers will be in bold. Say hi, Sis!
A Writerly Chat: Introduction
*turns on How to Train Your Dragon music*
*sits in comfy chair*
*sips hot chocolate*
What’s up everyone? Today we have the beginning of a really fun series. As you all know, I’m an avid writer and reader. So today, we’re going to talk reading and writing and WIPs! But not with me. Oh, no. We’ve had too many blog posts detailing my many WIPs. For this blog series, we’ll be interviewing a special guest! *Throws open red curtain* Come out, Sister!
Yes, Sister is also a writer and reader! She’s currently working on a really good fantasy novel, and we’ll be focusing more on her novel in this series than mine, although my characters will definitely make appearances. Sister’s replies will be in bold. All replies will be typed as close to reality as possible.
Lord of the Rings Review–Co-starring Sister
Hello everyone! Happy Star Wars Day!
*Checks title of post*
Oops. Wrong fandom.
Anyway, today I am coming to you with a FUN blog post! As the title indicates, Sister will be in here! Sister, say hi.
Hey everybody.
Sister’s replies will be in bold, and I will be typing them to stay as close to what she actually said as possible. Be prepared for weirdness. Today I’ll be interviewing her about the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy.